Friday, December 7, 2012

Nature Vs Nature

Being a student,I love to support my self but.....there are few things which make me think about my self....and other students..!!

One fine day, one of my subject teachers explained how nature balances things,bieng a science student,I talk about air from high concentration comes to low concentration so as to balance it electrons in one atom is lost and is caught by an other atom,balancing itself and forming big-big compounds!

Yeah,guys this is nature....and this is how even animals do their things,....they share food and walk in a group! comes the difference again....the loved animals and the scared animals.....animals in group i.e animals like deer,rabbit,birds,etc. share things in a group.But the animals like Lion,Tiger,cheetah,etc. everyone is scared off....

well guys,I am trying to relate everything to the student life......

We have a lot of subject!
We have lots & lots of talent!
We have the simple tricky solutions for all the Questions......!!

In the above small group of sentences that we say,when people talk about youth,guys,just think about yourself...& compare it with the nature.....

We have all originated from animals.......accepted!but will you be the loved one or the scary one......??which everyone hates!....think over!!
You know the subject too good and you are just rocking in the exams!!nice......extremely good!but what about the person who in trouble with subject??the knowledge you have is high....and the knowledge the person has is low!!
What is the nature's nature,....the matter flows from the high concentration to low concentration!!

its good to any language...that does not make any difference!!but sharing the knowledge you have, increases your ability in the subject and even compensate the "nature of the nature"!!.......

Share and will really have a happy feeling!!!